Introducing Farab’s capabilities in the side exhibition of the 10th Governing Board meeting of Regional Center on Urban Water Management
Farab Co. participated in the side exhibition of the 10th Governing Board meeting of Regional Center on Urban Water Management (RCUWM) which was held on December 05th (2019) in the presence of ministries and authorities in water section of eighteen countries of the region and representatives of international organizations in International Conference Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
According to Public Relations of Farab Co., In this exhibition 15 reputable companies in water industry of Iran including Farab Co., introduced their technical and engineering achievements and capabilities.
Also Business Development Deputy (area 2) of Farab Co. provided domestic and foreign companies’ representatives with required specifications about Farab activities and co-operation.
In the 10th Governing Bord meeting of Regional Center on Urban Water Management, Ministers of Water Resources of Syria and Tajikestan, Vice Minister of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources of Oman, Deputy Minister of Agreculture and Forestry of Turkey, Chairman of Azersu OJSC of Azerbaijan, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing Municipalities and Public Work of Iraq, Director of ICWRGC of Germany, Head of Regional Training Sector in Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of Egypt, SDC Special Envoy for Water to Central Asia of Switzerland and also Director of National Mission for Clean Ganga, Ambassadors and special representatives from Armenia, Lebanon, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan were present as well as international organizations such as UNESCO, United Nations Development Programme, United Nation Human Settlement Programme, United Nation World Health Organization and FAO(Food and Agricaltural Organization).